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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What is your idea of a "Spiritual Community"?

A lot of people are interested in going somewhere for a spiritual retreat. We all have different ideas of where we would like to go. Depending on what you are interested in doing, there are so many places in the world to go and forward your spiritual path. Often times, I hear people wondering why there's no "spiritual community" in their area. As I point out to them, there are many resources available to them in their own community.

But with the different ideas of what makes up a "spiritual community", I thought I would put the question to my readers. What to you would make up a spiritual community? What would you like to have in that spiritual community to be made available to you?

Please email me by clicking here to use The Garden's main email address. Tell me what you think, and I'm going to write about what I get in an upcoming blog. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!!


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